Melzak - Handbook of Pain Management

Handbook of Pain Management


ISBN: 0443072019
Vydavateľstvo: Churchill Livingstone
Rok vydania: 2003
Dostupnosť: Na objednávku

Pôvodná cena: 0,00 €
Cena: Na vyžiadanie

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About thiss book:

An Essentials version of the Textbook of Pain 4e, this book is intended to provide the pain medicine specialist and trainee with an easy-to-access overview on the management complexities, assessment tools and multiple treatment modalities that are currently available to the physician dealing with the full spectrum of pain syndromes. The emphasis throughout is on the clinical aspects of pain medicine. It will contain the core information that the practitioner and trainee needs. Each chapter is brief and succinctly written and the text is well broken up with headings, tables and summary charts. The book is divided into 2 main sections; clinical states (acute, chronic and cancer pain) and therapeutic aspects ( pharmacological, surgical, physiotherapy, psychotherapy ) and it presents a rational, multidisciplinary approach to the management of pain.