Jonathan Bonk - The Routledge Encyclopedia of Missions and Missionaries

The Routledge Encyclopedia of Missions and Missionaries

Jonathan Bonk

ISBN: 9780415969482
Vydavateľstvo: Taylor & Francis
Rok vydania: 2007
Väzba: Hardback
Počet strán: 494
Dostupnosť: Na sklade

Pôvodná cena: 205,99 €
Výstavná cena: 144,19 €(t.j. po zľave 30%)
(Cena je uvedená vrátane 10% DPH)
Katalógová cena: 140 GBP

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The Encyclopedia of Missions and Missionaries examines the nature and effects of missionary work around the world and throughout history, analyzing how secular and clerical people from major religions (especially Christianity, Buddhism and Islam) have brought social changes along with words of a new faith.