Stephen M. Roberts,Robert C. James,Phillip L. Williams - Principles of Toxicology: Environmental and Industrial Applications

Principles of Toxicology: Environmental and Industrial Applications

Stephen M. Roberts,Robert C. James,Phillip L. Williams

ISBN: 9780470907917
Vydavateľstvo: Wiley
Rok vydania: 2015
Väzba: Hardback
Počet strán: 496
Dostupnosť: Na sklade

Pôvodná cena: 127,40 €
Výstavná cena: 108,29 €(t.j. po zľave 15%)
(Cena je uvedená vrátane 10% DPH)
Katalógová cena: 83.5 GBP

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A fully updated and expanded edition of the bestselling guide on toxicology and its practical application Since the publication of the second edition the field of toxicology and continued changing expanding.  Principles of Toxicology: Environmental and Industrial Applications, Third Edition continues to present compactly and efficiently the scientific basis to toxicology as it applies to the workplace and the environment. The book covers the diverse chemical hazards encountered in the modern work and natural environment, and provides a practical understanding of these hazards for those concerned with protecting the health of humans and ecosystems. Through contributions from leading experts in diverse fields, Principles of Toxicology, Third Edition features: • Covers the diverse chemical hazards encountered in the modern work and natural environment, and provides a practical understanding of these hazards • Provides clear explanations and practical understanding of the fundamentals necessary for an understanding of the effects of chemical hazards on human health and ecosystems • Includes case histories and examples from industry demonstrate the application of toxicological principles • Supplemented with numerous illustrations to clarify and summarize key points, annotated bibliographies, and a comprehensive glossary of toxicological terms The new edition also covers emerging areas of toxicology and presents more information on applications of toxicology.  New topics include: Toxicokinetics; Omics Technologies; Developmental Toxicity; Nanotoxicology; Computational Toxicology; and  Determination of Causation in Toxicology