Zygmunt Bauman - Postmodern Ethics

Postmodern Ethics

Zygmunt Bauman

ISBN: 9780631186939
Vydavateľstvo: Wiley
Rok vydania: 1993
Väzba: Paperback
Počet strán: 262
Dostupnosť: Na objednávku

Pôvodná cena: 45,21 €
Výstavná cena: 39,78 €(t.j. po zľave 12%)
(Cena je uvedená vrátane 10% DPH)
Katalógová cena: 27.99 GBP

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Zygmunt Bauman?s powerful and persuasive study of the postmodern perspective on ethics is particularly welcome. For Bauman the great issues of ethics have lost none of their topicality: they simply need to be seen, and dealt with, in a wholly new way. Our era, he suggests, may actually represent a dawning, rather than a twilight, for ethics.

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