Stephen G. Tibbetts - Criminological Theory: The Essentials

Criminological Theory: The Essentials

Stephen G. Tibbetts

ISBN: 9781412992343
Vydavateľstvo: Sage Publications
Rok vydania: 2011
Väzba: Paperback
Počet strán: 288
Dostupnosť: Na sklade

Pôvodná cena: 78,83 €
Výstavná cena: 59,12 €(t.j. po zľave 25%)
(Cena je uvedená vrátane 10% DPH)
Katalógová cena: 50 GBP

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Criminological Theory: The Essentials sheds light on some of history's most renowned criminologists and their theories. In addition, policy implications brought about by theoretical perspectives that have developed from recent critical work, together with practical applications, compel the reader to apply theories to the contemporary social milieu.

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