Claus Peter Bartmann,Walter Brehm,Kerstin Gerlach,Klaus Hopster,Astrid Rijkenhuizen,Doreen Scharner - Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Horse

Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Horse

Claus Peter Bartmann,Walter Brehm,Kerstin Gerlach,Klaus Hopster,Astrid Rijkenhuizen,Doreen Scharner

ISBN: 9783899936803
Vydavateľstvo: Taylor & Francis
Rok vydania: 2015
Vydanie: 1
Väzba: Hardback
Počet strán: 196
Dostupnosť: Na objednávku

Pôvodná cena: 170,63 €
Výstavná cena: 153,57 €(t.j. po zľave 10%)
(Cena je uvedená vrátane 10% DPH)
Katalógová cena: 130 GBP

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This comprehensive atlas and textbook on minimal invasive surgery of the horse offers state-of-the-art advice from the experts. The authors present step-by step-descriptions of the most important surgery techniques in equine practice. This includes surgery of the upper respiratory tract, thorax, abdomen, and pelvic cavity. The book discusses the indications, advantages, and risks of all procedures. The authors are well known equine surgeons from university and field practice. They present innovative techniques with a profound knowledge of practicability.