
Zobraziť: 10 | 15 | 25 | 50 | 100 výsledkov
  1. Autor Názov titulu Vydavateľstvo Rok Cena
Kassimi M. A. Middle Eastern Clinical Medicine Chapman & Hall 1995 Na vyžiadanie
Harrison A. International Business Oxford UP 2000 Na vyžiadanie
Das D.K. Financial Globalization and the Emerging Market Economies Routledge 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Gros D. Economic Transition in Central and Eastern Europe Cambridge UP 2005 Na vyžiadanie
Begg D. Economics McGraw-Hill 1997 Na vyžiadanie
Dunning The Globalization of Business Routledge 1993 Na vyžiadanie
Europe Publ. Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia 2003, 3rd ed. Europa Publ. 2002 Na vyžiadanie
Pagani C. Eastern Magnificience & European Ingenuity. Clocks of Late Imperial China Michigan UP 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Dingsdale A. Mapping Modernities Geographies of Central and Eastern Europe, 1920-2000 Routledge 2002 Na vyžiadanie
Craig N. Murphy Egalitarian Politics in the Age of Globalization Palgrave 2003 Na vyžiadanie
Anthony Forster Soldiers and Societies in Post-Communist Europe Palgrave 2003 Na vyžiadanie
Young J. W. International Relations Since 1945: A Global History Oxford UP 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Central and South-Eastern Europe 2004 Europa Publications 2003 Na vyžiadanie
Dukes P. Paths to a New Europe Palgrave 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Dung H. Acupuncture: An Anatomical Approach CRC Press 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Swain G. Eastern Europe since 1945 Palgrave 2003 Na vyžiadanie
Prazmovska Britain, Poland and the eastern front, 1939 Cambridge UP 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Ng A. Nationalism and Political Liberty Oxford UP 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Chesterman S. You, The People: The United Nations, Tanstional Administration, and State-Building Oxford UP 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Fawcett L. International Relations of the Middle East Oxford UP 2005 Na vyžiadanie
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