
Zobraziť: 10 | 15 | 25 | 50 | 100 výsledkov
  1. Autor Názov titulu Vydavateľstvo Rok Cena
Dina Zisserman-Brodsky Constructing Ethnopolitics in the Soviet Union Palgrave 2003 Na vyžiadanie
Marková I. Trust and Democratic Transition in Post-Communist Europe Oxford UP 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Bradshaw M. East Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union the Post-Socialist States Pearson 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Higman R. The Miliatary History of the Soviet Union, 2 Vol. Set Palgrave 2002 Na vyžiadanie
Swain G. Eastern Europe since 1945 Palgrave 2003 Na vyžiadanie
Adair P. Hitler's Greatest Defeat Cassell Military 2001 Na vyžiadanie
Prazmovska Britain, Poland and the eastern front, 1939 Cambridge UP 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Kojevnikov B. A. Stalin´s Great Science: The Times and Adventures of Soviet Physicists Imperial College Press 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Hermann R. K. Interpretations, Causation, and the Study of International Relations Palgrave 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Westad O. The Global Cold War Cambridge UP 2005 Na vyžiadanie
Overy The Origins of the Second World War Pearson 1998 Na vyžiadanie
Morozova I. Towards Social Stability and Democratic Governance in Central Eurasia IOS Press 2005 Na vyžiadanie
Weisbrode K. Central Eurasia: Prize or Quicksand? Oxford UP 2005 Na vyžiadanie
Allison R. Military Forces in the Soviet Successor States Brasseys 2005 Na vyžiadanie
Kotkin S. Armageddon Averted: The Soviet Collapse 1970-2000 Oxford UP 2001 Na vyžiadanie
Bowles P. Capitalism Pearson 2007 Na vyžiadanie
Sandle M. Communism Pearson 2006 Na vyžiadanie
Kiaer Ch. Everyday Life in Early Soviet Russia Indiana UP 2006 Na vyžiadanie
Hesli V.L. Governments and Politics in Russia and the Post-Soviet Region Houghton Mifflin 2007 Na vyžiadanie
Campbell G.L. Concise Compendium of the World´s Languages Routledge 1995 Na vyžiadanie
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