Levinson J. - Transportation Disaster Response

Transportation Disaster Response

Levinson J.

ISBN: 0124454860
Vydavateľstvo: Academic Press
Rok vydania: 2002
Dostupnosť: Na objednávku

Pôvodná cena: 0,00 €
Cena: Na vyžiadanie

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Airplane crashes, bus bombings, train accidents, and other transportation-related disasters can cause extensive damage to people and property. Despite the best preventative measures, transportation officials and emergency personnel need to know how to react if and when these types of events occur.
Transportation Disaster Response Handbook presents information and strategies for dealing with all types of disasters and looks at the unique aspects of transportation-related incidents. It outlines how to prepare for emergencies, what to expect during a disaster, how individuals within the emergency agencies should respond, and how these agencies can quickly mobilize to minimize damage and provide assistance to victims.
The authors use examples of real disasters to illustrate key points and show how to effectively implement strategies before, during, and after a disaster. The Handbook will be an essential resource for police, fire fighters, medical professionals, government and military groups, transportation officials, emergency response planners, aid groups, forensic investigators, and security and business managers.