Galbraith A. - Fundamentals of Pharmacology

Fundamentals of Pharmacology

Galbraith A.

ISBN: 0201556219
Vydavateľstvo: Addison Wesley
Rok vydania: 1994
Dostupnosť: Na objednávku

Pôvodná cena: 0,00 €
Cena: Na vyžiadanie

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The major strength of Fundamentals of Pharmacology is its strong coverage of the scientific basis of pharmacology. Physiological and pathophysiological processes have been dearly explained to promote readers' understanding.

Features indude:

·        Over 50 illustrations to help the reader visualise concepts.

·        One co re chapter covering Nursing Implications and Considerations (Chapter 14),

with over 30 tables tagged for ease of reference detailing routes of administration and adverse

      drug reactions.                                                                                .

·        Comprehensive chapters on social and pro(essional issues, e.g. the law and ethics.

·        Section overviews and chapfer objectives to guide the reader.

·        End-of-section case studies to demonstrate key concepts in a real world context.

·        Drug summary tables at the end ohhe majority of chapiers that list most family names

(drug groupings), generic names and trade names of the drugs available in Australia and/or New Zealand. Tables also indude special considerations.

·        Icons to:

   - differentiate the nanies of drugs used, and their availabiHty in Australia and/or New Zealand.

   - highlight mechanisms of action, adverse reactions, and to alert the reader to

special considerations.

·        Glossary of oveŕ 300 terms and a comprehensive index.

Fundamentals of Pharmacology has been written to cater to a wide audience. While it is primarily a text for undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students; any health professional whose dinical role involves drug therapy, induding podiatrists, optometrists, and paramedics, will find this book a highly relevant and accessible learning tool.

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