Cheng A. - The Osler Medical Handbook: A Manual of Inpatient Medicine

The Osler Medical Handbook: A Manual of Inpatient Medicine

Cheng A.

ISBN: 0323019307
Vydavateľstvo: Mosby
Rok vydania: 2003
Dostupnosť: Na objednávku

Pôvodná cena: 0,00 €
Cena: Na vyžiadanie

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This brand-new handbook covers all of the essential topics encountered in the daily practice, written by contributors from the Johns Hopkins Hospital. A volume in the Mosby Handbook series, it concisely discusses all diseases and disorders in an easy-to-follow, standardized outline format. Readers will find all of the features that have made The Harriet Lane Handbook the most popular handbook in paediatrics. Within each chapter are sections on pearls and pitfalls, differential diagnoses, algorithms, and reviews of the most current literature. And, it includes a handy formulary with complete dosage information.

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