Clinicians' Guide to Oesophageal Diseases
ISBN: 0412809109
Vydavateľstvo: Chapman & Hall
Rok vydania: 1998
Nárok na dopravu zdarma
Oesophageal diseases, particularly gastro-oesophageal reflux, are extremely common. Indeed, adenocarcinoma, a consequence of gastro-oesophageal reflux, has been reported to be increasing in incidence mor~ rapidly than any other malignancy in the world. Managing reflux and its many complicatiofls takes up large amounts of a gastroenterologisťs time and it is appropriate that a significant proportion of Clinicians' Guide to Oesophageal Diseases is devoted to the subject. Other areas, including oesophageal infections, tumours and structural abnormalities are also covered, as are oesophageal investigations.
The volume occupies a niche between the general textbook and the large reference book. Written primarily for physicians who treat gastrointestinal disease, it is also suitable for students. Surgeons, histopathologists and radiologists will also benefit from this insight into a physician's viewpoint.