Principles and Practice of Regional Anaesthesia, 3rd ed.
ISBN: 0443062269
Vydavateľstvo: Churchill Livingstone
Rok vydania: 2003
Nárok na dopravu zdarma
Regional anaesthesia, particularly central neural block for obstetrics, has increased greatly in use and popularity over the last 30 years. However, a significant number of anaesthetists still find it difficult to acquire either a theoretical grounding in the subject or expertise in the techniques. This book is produced to help them to rectify this situation.
It is aimed at anaesthetists in training and those studying for the FRCA examination, as well as senior anaesthetists whose training was completed before the revival of interest in regional anaesthesia. Those already using regional techniques will find the book useful for extending and updating their knowledge.
As in the first two editions, the first part of the book gives an account (firmly based in recent research) of the theoretical aspects of regional anaesthesia. The second part describes the practical applications of the various methods.
The third edition continues to give a clear view on often misunderstood subjects such as the pharmacokinetics and systemic toxicity of local anaesthetic drugs, and the use of test doses as well as an assessment of the present place of spinal anaesthesia and an account of the features of some of the newer spinal agents.The contributing authors use the techniques which they describe in their daily practice and, because they come from a variety of backgrounds, the book is broadly representative of British practice. However, the editors have ensured that the guidance given and the opinions expressed are clear and unequivocal.