Ginsberg G. G. - Clinical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Clinical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Ginsberg G. G.

ISBN: 0721602827
Vydavateľstvo: Saunders
Rok vydania: 2005
Dostupnosť: Na objednávku

Pôvodná cena: 0,00 €
Cena: Na vyžiadanie

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Clinical Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, a brand-new, complete resource that will be essential reading for trainees aiming to become accomplished endoscopists and for experienced endoscopists wishing to acquire expertise in the latest techniques. Edited by an international team consisting of Gregory Ginsberg, Michael Kochman, Ian Norton and Christopher Gostout and written by a group of contributors who are responsible for many of the recent innovations in endoscopic practice, this book offers stunning endoscopic photographs, exquisite step-by-step illustrations and endoscopic video of key scenarios supplied by the appropriate world authority – all available digitally for use in your presentations.

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