Drucker R. - Oustsourcing in Clinical Drug Development

Oustsourcing in Clinical Drug Development

Drucker R.

ISBN: 1574911120
Vydavateľstvo: Interpharm Press
Rok vydania: 2002
Dostupnosť: Na objednávku

Pôvodná cena: 0,00 €
Cena: Na vyžiadanie

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Outsourcing in Clinical Drug Development is your complete guide to the drug development outsourcing relationship. Editors Roy Drucker and Graham Hughes have assembled an expert group of specialists to help you explore the various services offered by outsourcing suppliers and to guide you through your outsourcing options. The book even includes a series of chapters devoted to helping you sort through the legal, ethical, financial, organizational, and practicai issues involved in a wide range of outsourcing relationships. Whether you are just exploring the possibility of outsourcing or whether you are already involved in long-term strategic outsourcing partnerships, this book is an invaluable resource. Sponsor companies and CROs alike will appreciate the industry-wide analysis and practicai, how-to advice, including helpful charts and checklists.


. How outsourcing fits into the drug development process.

. How to identify, evaluate, and choose an outsourcing supplier.

. The critical financial, organizational, legal, and ethical considerations of outsourcing.

. Tactical versus strategic outsourcing: which is best for your organization?

. An analysis of the various services available, including regulatory, QA, laboratory

analysis, and management of sites, data, clinical trials supplies, and global triais.

. How to avoid and/or manage conflict in outsourcing relationships.

. An analysis of the industry trends in outsourcing drug development.


Dr. Roy Drucker is the General Manager of Technomark Consulting Services Ltd., a specialist consultancy group dedicated to offering customized solutions in a range of areas inc1uding drug development and outsourcing. Dr. Drucker is a graduate of Harvard Business School Advanced Management Program and has held a range of marketing and c1inical drug development responsibilities on a globallevel. Dr. Graham Hughes is the joint founder and Director of Scientific Affairs for Technomark Consulting Services Ltd. A chemist by training, he has broad-based research, development, and commercial experience in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. He is a recognized expert on pharmaceutical outsourcing and the current editor of European Pharmaceutical Contractor.

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