Tauseef Ali - Crohn?s and Colitis For Dummies

Crohn?s and Colitis For Dummies

Tauseef Ali

ISBN: 9781118439593
Vydavateľstvo: Wiley
Rok vydania: 2013
Väzba: Paperback
Počet strán: 336
Dostupnosť: Na sklade

Pôvodná cena: 25,80 €
Výstavná cena: 20,64 €(t.j. po zľave 20%)
(Cena je uvedená vrátane 10% DPH)
Katalógová cena: 15.99 GBP

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Learn to: Recognize the treatment options that are right for you Manage your symptoms and avoid triggers Deal with complications The complete guide to living well with Crohn?s and colitis! Crohn?s disease and ulcerative colitis are frustrating and often debilitating diseases that have life–altering impacts on sufferers. Full of expert advice, Crohn?s & Colitis For Dummies is the complete resource for those looking to understand these inflammatory bowel diseases and the various treatments available. This reassuring, informative guide helps you to actively recognize symptoms of Crohn?s and colitis and explains in plain English the procedures doctors use to diagnose the diseases. It outlines how the body is affected and the consequences you?ll face if the diseases go untreated. With authority and compassion, it covers how you can control your disease through changes in your diet, and explores the treatment options available, filling you in on the risks and benefits of each. Learn the who, what, and why of Crohn?s and colitis — understand how these illnesses can affect you and your family Unlock the mystery behind the medical mumbo–jumbo — find out which treatments are available, how they work, and their common side effects Manage your symptoms — explore the importance of nutrition in helping you to take control of Crohn?s and colitis Understand how to avoid triggers and prevent flares — become familiar with which prescription drugs, foods, and habits can lead to complications Have a healthy pregnancy — understand the possible complications and learn how you can avoid them Consider the special treatments for kids and teens — get tips on monitoring medications and surviving school Open the book and find: How Crohn?s and colitis affect the body The differences and similarities between Crohn?s and colitis Ways to prevent health problems and complications The symptoms of Crohn?s and colitis, and how they?re treated Various therapies available, including alternative and complementary therapies How to manage work and travel with Crohn?s and colitis The effects of nutrition on your immune system

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