
Zobraziť: 10 | 15 | 25 | 50 | 100 výsledkov
  1. Autor Názov titulu Vydavateľstvo Rok Cena
Galbraith A. Fundamentals of Pharmacology Addison Wesley 1994 Na vyžiadanie
Alexandrov A. S. Theory of Superconductivity: From Weak to Strong Coupling IoP 2003 Na vyžiadanie
Parasuraman Marketing Research Houghton Mifflin 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Moorhead Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations, 7th ed. Houghton Mifflin 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Needles Financial and Managerial Accounting Houghton Milfin 2005 Na vyžiadanie
Hoyer/MaInnis Consumer Behavior Houghton Mifflin 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Hrasnica H. Broadband Powerline Communications Network Wiley 2005 Na vyžiadanie
Pamela Frese Anthropology of the United States Military Palgrave 2003 Na vyžiadanie
Richard W. Hill Animal Physiology Palgrave 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Macdonald E. Difficult Conversation in Medicine Oxford UP 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Beeby A. First Ecology: Ecological Principles amd Environmental Issues Oxford UP 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Connolly T. Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management Prentice Hall 2005 Na vyžiadanie
Hollowy CH. The Business of Tourism Pearson 2002 Na vyžiadanie
Hercock R.Ch. Applied Evolutionary Algorithms in Java Springer 2003 Na vyžiadanie
Lodish Molecular Cell Biology Freeman 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Moxley D. Keeping Students Higher Education: Successful Practices and Strategies for Retention Routledge Falmer 2001 Na vyžiadanie
Mossialos E. Regulating Pharmaceutical in Europe: Striving for Efficienty, Equity and Quality Open UP 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Redish E. F. Research on Physics Education IOS Press 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Carew T.J. Behavioral Neurobiology Freeman 2001 Na vyžiadanie
Raven P.H. Biology WCBrown 1996 Na vyžiadanie
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