Mani R. - Chronic Wound Management The Evidence for Change

Chronic Wound Management The Evidence for Change

Mani R.

ISBN: 1842140841
Vydavateľstvo: Parthenon Publishing
Rok vydania: 2003
Dostupnosť: Na objednávku

Pôvodná cena: 0,00 €
Cena: Na vyžiadanie

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*Presents a comprehensive review of chronic wound healing from a clinical perspective
*Investigates the less common treatment modalities in an evidence-based manner
*Provides thorough coverage of all commonly encountered conditions
*Discusses the strengths and weaknesses of meta-analyses.
*Addresses issues specific to Africa and Asia as well as those common to chronic wound healing throughout the world
*Examines the need for change and the data that support it
*Explores emerging approaches that expand the boundaries of currently held beliefs

The serious morbidity and economic effects of chronic wounds make them a global health care challenge. Giving you the tools to meet this challenge, Chronic Wound Management: The Evidence for Change analyzes traditional approaches to wound management, the case for evidence-based change, and the strengths and weakness of meta-analyses. In addition, it explores emerging approaches that push the boundaries of currently held beliefs.

The book provides an up-to-date and thorough review of chronic wound management from a clinical perspective. Illustrated with high quality photographs, line drawings, and graphs, it presents the information in an easily accessible style. Each chapter provides references and a summary of the information included. The summaries are prescriptive for most situations but also refer you to more detailed reading resources when necessary.

Chronic wounds - including pressure ulcers, venous ulcers, and diabetic ulcers - are serious health concerns worldwide. Millions of people are affected each year, with the total costs of their care reaching billions of dollars. If you work with wounds, whether you are a clinician, nurse, podiatrist, or researcher, you've seen their often devastating effects. Blending clinical information gleaned from around the globe, Chronic Wound Management: The Evidence for Change gives you easy access to the latest thinking and developments.

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