
Zobraziť: 10 | 15 | 25 | 50 | 100 výsledkov
  1. Autor Názov titulu Vydavateľstvo Rok Cena
Quanyun A. Xu Stability - Indicating HPLC Methods for Drug Analysis, 2nd ed. Pharm. Press 2003 Na vyžiadanie
Stacey R.D. Coplexity and Management: Fad or Radical Challenge to Systems Thinking? Routledge 2000 Na vyžiadanie
Eichengreen B. Financial Crises and what to do about them Oxford UP 2002 Na vyžiadanie
Magyar K. United States Post-Cold War Defence Interests Palgrave 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Kilhofer, H. Bifurcation Theory Springer 2003 Na vyžiadanie
Hofmann T. Challenges in Taste Chemistry and Biology Oxford UP 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Taylor M. E. Introduction to Glycobiology Oxford UP 2004 Na vyžiadanie
Brakmann Directed Molecular Evolution of Proteins Wiley 2002 Na vyžiadanie
Budynas R.G. Advanced Strength and Applied Stress Analysis McGraw-Hill 1999 Na vyžiadanie
DiPrizio R. C. U. S. Interventions From Northern Iraq To Kosovo John Hopkins 2002 Na vyžiadanie
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