Jan Robertson,Helen Timperley - Leadership and Learning

Leadership and Learning

Jan Robertson,Helen Timperley

ISBN: 9781849201742
Vydavateľstvo: Sage Publications
Rok vydania: 2011
Väzba: Paperback
Počet strán: 264
Dostupnosť: Na sklade

Pôvodná cena: 39,24 €
Výstavná cena: 33,35 €(t.j. po zľave 15%)
(Cena je uvedená vrátane 10% DPH)
Katalógová cena: 27.99 GBP

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Bringing together internationally recognised scholars this book focuses on the relationship between leadership and learning for the education community. It draws together a wealth of knowledge and research in the field across a variety of contexts, such as system leadership, professional learning communities and leading different cultures. Themes covered include: - exploring models for leadership and improvement - challenges in developing learning-focused leadership - broadening ideas of learning and knowledge work. This book will be of interest to educational leaders at all levels and in all sectors, as well as consultants, academics and those who wish to extend their knowledge in educational leadership whether engaging in further academic study or in reflective practice around the ideas presented. This book is essential for anyone taking advanced programmes in educational leadership and management.

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